5 Constructive Tips
It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture - business goals, team alignment, and overall strategy. That’s why regular meetings are so crucial. We have a team meeting every Monday morning, known as the "Monday Morning Meeting" (or Triple M), to reset, align, and set the tone for the week ahead. These meetings are essential for keeping everyone focused on driving the business forward, staying informed about key projects, and understanding what their colleagues are working on.
1. Have a Plan
Allocate time. We think an hour is a perfect amount of time - long enough to cover key updates and tackle any discussion points, but not so long that employees stop paying attention. Don’t waste time! Start and end on schedule. Having a set agenda helps everyone stay on track. If you're running over time, make sure to decide which discussions need to be followed up on offline so the meeting doesn't overrun. A good practice is to share the agenda in advance so that everyone is prepared and knows what to expect.
2. Have a Focus
Instead of letting the conversation go in multiple directions, try focusing on one specific topic for each meeting. This could be a short training session, a session focused on a specific department, or a brainstorming session for new ideas. A clear focus helps direct the discussion and prevents meetings from becoming overly broad or unfocused. A good idea to alternate between strategy-focused meetings (e.g., business growth, planning, etc.) and tactical ones (e.g., weekly project updates, problem-solving).
3. Ensure all Team Members are Involved
A great meeting isn't a monologue - it’s a conversation! Make sure that everyone has a chance to speak, whether it's sharing updates on their work, offering feedback, or participating in brainstorming sessions. Some people may be more introverted, so it's important to make a conscious effort to draw them in. Encourage an inclusive environment where all voices are heard. This will increase engagement, help team members feel valued, and generate new ideas. We like to do this by going around the room asking everyone to take turns giving a quick update or contributing to the discussion.
4. Keep it Positive and Solution Focused
Make sure that discussions stay solution-oriented. If problems do come up, ask for solutions or suggestions on how to move forward. This helps maintain momentum and fosters a culture of problem-solving rather than dwelling on what went wrong.
Starting the meeting with a quick round of “wins” or positive updates can set the right tone and create an upbeat, productive atmosphere. It can help team members feel motivated and excited to start the week!
5. Set Actionable Steps
Lastly, every meeting should end with a clear set of actions. These are the tasks, decisions, and assignments that will move the team forward. Make sure everyone knows what their responsibilities are for the week before leaving the meeting and share it with the rest of the team. This ensures that the conversations translate into progress rather than just talk!
So, what makes a great meeting? A balance of structure, collaboration, and clear action items that drive the business forward - making the Triple M something everyone looks forward to each week!