Having worked for almost 25 years in the recruitment industry and running my own national consultancy for over 17, I have had the pleasure of training hundreds of consultants at different levels. I now like to provide "Constructive" feedback, advice and tips from that experience to help both consultants and business owners as they navigate this exciting career and industry and as such I will be posting regularly with some of these ideas.
Many consultants I have trained over years were only concerned about the placements and fees not coming in or the fact that interviews were not being arranged which could send them into highs and lows that might put them out of action from being productive for days, weeks and sometimes even quarters.
Anyone who focuses only on the results and therefore dollars, only sends themselves into a spiral of frustration which can then be detrimental to their own improvement and development.
To be honest, all I always want to see is the right intention and attitude. If the intention is right and the results don’t follow then you can still be happy with what you achieve, feel you are making progress, can remain positive and motivated and also then have the clarity to consider why it isn’t happening for you......
Clarity means you can then be strategic about the cause rather than blindsided by the lack of results.
Ask yourself?
If you come back with the same intention and you’ve solved these questions then you will surely succeed!
Giles is a coach and mentor to a number of SME business owners across Australia assisting them with many aspects of the running and improvement of their companies. For further information please contact Giles Keay directly on giles@constructive.au