I recently had a conversation with a friend over the weekend about the challenges of finding time to look after ourselves amidst a busy schedule. It has become apparent that balancing work commitments and family responsibilities often leaves little room for moments of solitude and personal reflection.
I looked up the definition of "Filling up your Cup" and the best one I saw was
"To fill your cup means
to replenish those stores of mental, emotional, and physical energy. It means that you need to stop and recharge your batteries." This may be simple to understand but seemingly difficult for us all to achieve…
Recognising the importance of self-care and the need to engage in activities that bring happiness, strength, and positivity is crucial. It's akin to the aeroplane oxygen mask analogy, where you secure your own mask before assisting others. While this advice may seem selfish, it's essential to have the strength to support both yourself and those around you.
Therefore, in this blog post I have composed a list of activities that can contribute to filling your cup, with the understanding that what fills one person's cup may differ for someone else and may even vary for the same person at different times. Similar to the concept of work-life "harmony" instead of "balance," the time invested in self-care is not a one-size-fits-all ratio.
1.Connect with friends and family
Set aside some time, even if it's just for one evening to detach from your current work commitments and prioritise connecting with friends and family. Often we can overlook the importance of spending time with friends and family. But in reality, surrounding yourself with people you care about is a great way to replenish both emotional and physical energy.
2.Take a walk and immerse yourself in nature
One of the many benefits of nature is the calmness it brings. This calmness provides us with a much needed sense of relief, especially when contrasted with the stressful demands of our work lives.
Here is an exercise for you to try next time you take a walk to help you appreciate life's little joys. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and scents that surround you. Connecting with nature is a wonderful way to shift your focus from concerns, allowing you to uplift your mood and embrace the present fully.
3.Ensure you get enough sleep
We should never underestimate the power of sleep. On average, adults should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night to maintain a healthy balance.
Some other activities include:
4. Read a book
5. Listen to music or play an instrument (it’s never too late to learn)
6. Enjoy a home-cooked meal or
7. Go out to dinner and have a drink
8. Watch a great series or film (my personal favourite)
We can often find reasons why we don't do these sorts of activities, but it is not a luxury, it is actually a necessity for your own mental health and wellbeing.
If you fill your cup regularly and make sure you don't hit emergency levels, not only will you notice a positive shift in your mood, you will most likely have much more capacity for others around you. I also believe that another fantastic side effect is that you will also be far more productive at work and most likely more successful. Too many people believe that the longer or more they work the better their performance is… my thoughts are completely the opposite... you need to feel great to perform great!
I hope that this quick refresher helps you to think about what is important to you and make sure you are finding the time and space to
"Fill Up Your Cup". Remember, what others may do to fill their cup may not work for you. Don’t be afraid to try new things to discover what fills your cup.
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